I was getting consistent results with +6 adjustment in the camera (as I don't have the dock). My best results came when I printed a focus chart on a standard piece of copy paper. So on and so forth to the point where I didn't have enough concrete evidence to make an accurate adjustment. Without changing any settings, I'd get what appears as perfect focus then in the next few shots I'd get, say, front focus. Okay this makes me feel much better! I spent about 4 hours across 3 days trying to figure things out. With 16 available test points, and i only took shots mostly at the "corners", which means the shortest and longest distances, at the wide and at the short wrote: It took me several months before I made any actual AFMA to the Sigma lens. Don't forget to refocus between shots, too. I wanted to take 10 photos and get fairly consistent results. I took hundreds test shots, just trying to get seemingly consistent results, whether they are good or bad. Being able to take good and consistent test photos is critical.

The adjustment process was not a one day, or one weekend project. In addition to those for settings, there are four different distances at each focal length. Instead of settings at the wide end and the low end, you are able to make settings at intermediate focal lengths. The Sigma dock offers 16 points of adjustment with my. I do not know how many AFMA setpoints the 6D Mark II has, but the 6D has two for a zoom, and one for a prime. It requires that you go though the extra step of removing the lens from the camera and connecting the dock on the lens mount to communicate with the lens and make adjustments. Yes, it is better to make adjustments in a lens, if it is capable to do it. Will that still require me to manually adjust or does it do testing on its own? It really seems like the best option when I've researched into it. I'll probably just purchase the dock then. The camera is so new, that there could be a firmware wrote: The OP should check if the lens has the latest firmware, too. If there really is a back/front focusing issue, it is best to make the adjustment in the Art lens, not in the camera. Several test shots need to taken, and an average needs to computed. A distance of 6-10 feet is probably too far away for a 50mm lens, too. You really need a tripod to make accurate test photos. If not you can see if it is front or back focusing by looking at what part of the ruler is in focus. If the focus is right, the marks on the ruler in focus will be the ones right even with the plane of the front of the box. Then look at the photo to see what part of the ruler is in focus. If not you can see if it is front or back focusing by looking at what part of the ruler is in wrote: You can can also put the box and ruler on a table if you have a good tripod to raise the camera up even with the box. You should be shooting WIDE OPEN aperture so the DOF is shallow so you can see better where focus is.

Use the 2 second delay and shoot a picture focused on the paper. Focus on the printed paper over near the ramp. It should be straight on facing the box not at an angle and not higher or lower. Put the camera on a couple of books facing the box.

Place a ruler so it is resting on the pencil on a 45 degree incline, like a ramp facing you on the side of the box, snug against the box. Tape a sheet of printer paper with printed text onto the side facing you. Hope this is of some help to a few people.Get a box. The only stipulations are that you have a camera body that supports both micro AF focus adjustment and liveview.
#Micro focus adjustment pdf
The Olympus way of doing AF focus adjustment is long and tedious tedious and complicated enough to put many people off even trying it, so here's a much easier way that will only take about five minutes - everything is explained in the PDF I created along with the GIF file required to carry out this test, both of which are in the a zip file which you can get from the link below. I was sure my Sigma 30mm F1.4 was spot on focusing-wise, but knowing the bad rep they sometimes get, wanted to test it for myself in a controlled way rather than just looking at images taken - I trawled the Internet and came up with various ways to do it, all of which I tried, but this way is simply superb. Wasn't sure which part of the forum to put this in, but I'm sure it'll be moved if required.